The Bridge Between Your Business and Success

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Mental Health

Do You Need a Hug?

Every December, we’re reminded to enjoy our family, friends, and traditions. We’re encouraged to be cheerful, giving, and generous. We’re asked to reflect on the past year and think about what we’d like to improve so we can live our “best life” in the year ahead. ‘Tis the season of joy and kindness! Right? Well…not exactly. Not for everyone, at least.

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Managing Stress as Entrepreneurs


Many business owners quietly struggle with managing stress. In this episode, Jeremy and Gwenn open up about the health issues brought on by the stress of owning and managing businesses. They talk about the lessons they have learned over their careers as entrepreneurs and how they have learned to reframe specific events in their business in a more productive way so they can stay alive, live and be happy. 

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Shiny Object Syndrome: The Entrepreneurial Equivalent of Chasing Squirrels

Chances are, if you’ve got an entrepreneurial spirit and a creative mind- you’ve experienced “Shiny Object Syndrome” (SOS) at some point in your career. This phenomenon isn’t a diagnosable condition, but rather a business term used to define a tendency to be easily distracted by new ideas. The “shiny object” catches your eye and can take your focus away from the task at hand- like a curious child might hop around between shiny new toys at a dizzying speed. Or, how dogs can be easily distracted by one of those pesky squirrels.

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Lessons From Failure


Failure is painful and we all try to elude it, but it is unavoidable if we get out of our comfort zones. How do we manage it in our lives? In this episode, Gwenn talks for the first time on the show about her failed state legislature campaign, losing $124,000 of her friend’s and family’s money and losing herself in the process. She discusses how she recovered emotionally from it and three tips she has for overcoming any devastating blows in our lives. We also bring in the perspective of Nicole Winkler who is a life and professional coach about how to recover, reframe and move on from setbacks.

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Anequim how to beat Imposter Syndorm

How to Beat Imposter Syndrome and Outsmart Self-Doubt


On this episode of Bootstrappers we are going to dig into imposter syndrome which is the overwhelming feeling of self-doubt and feeling like a fraud. Interestingly this feeling disproportionately impacts high-achievers. Executive Coach Nicole Winkler of LYF Coaching and Development joins us to talk about the causes of imposter syndrome and the best ways to combat it. Gwenn also tells us about her experience hitting a professional wall with imposter syndrome and how she overcame it.

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The Cost of Ideas

There is no such thing as a bad idea.

You've heard the adage "there's no such thing as a bad idea." Well, and we all know this, it just isn't true. If there really is no such thing as a 'bad idea' how would be express a sentiment that an idea just didn't work out, that it wasn't good, or that it ended up being ruinous? We say it pretty much to get people who would otherwise not feel comfortable going out on a limb to, well, walk out on that limb. We know there is something about the phrase that works logically, but what is it?

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