The Bridge Between Your Business and Success

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Managing the Unmanageable

When the buck stops with you, the pressure to make sure everything is running along smoothly with your business can be immense. It can sometimes feel like there isn’t time to take a step back and prioritize or delegate tasks. So, you chip away at your to-do list as best you can- hoping by some miracle it all works out and you can keep everyone happy. 

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Guide to Property Management KPIs: Tracking the Metrics That Matter

Performance indicators are the key to measuring the effectiveness of your property management business. They provide a way for you to track if your company is doing well or not, and if not, they can help you figure out what needs improvement. Tracking KPIs is important because it helps you know if there are any problems with your products, services, processes or systems. This blog post will explain all about performance indicators and why you should be using them in order to improve your business's overall health!

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How to Utilize an Executive Assistant Effectively and Stop Feeling Overwhelmed


People often feel overwhelmed at work and immediately think they need an executive assistant. However, our experience at Anequim has shown us that sometimes an extra hand in the operations can be better at helping busy CEOs reduce their workload rather than an Executive Assistant.

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Quick Tip for Managing Remote Teams: The Daily Huddle

Many of us have closed our offices and are managing our entire staff from our homes for the first time. One thing that has helped our remote teams stay focused on the day’s tasks is having a daily huddle. Huddles are 5-minute meetings every day at the same time. In the bullet points below I put a few of the topics, and examples we discuss on our daily huddles at our property management company. These kinds of short meetings can help keep everyone on the same page when we are not working at the same office.

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The Cost of Ideas

There is no such thing as a bad idea.

You've heard the adage "there's no such thing as a bad idea." Well, and we all know this, it just isn't true. If there really is no such thing as a 'bad idea' how would be express a sentiment that an idea just didn't work out, that it wasn't good, or that it ended up being ruinous? We say it pretty much to get people who would otherwise not feel comfortable going out on a limb to, well, walk out on that limb. We know there is something about the phrase that works logically, but what is it?

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