The Bridge Between Your Business and Success


What Makes Your Company Grow or Stagnate?


You’ve started your business and it’s running, but it seems to have stalled. Growth isn’t happening and it’s become stagnant. Brian Hughes of BizDev Mastermind has tons of experience as a business development consultant and has helped numerous clients in those idled situations. He sits down with Gwenn and shares key indicators to look for and what you can do to continue the growth of your company.

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Managing Stress as Entrepreneurs


Many business owners quietly struggle with managing stress. In this episode, Jeremy and Gwenn open up about the health issues brought on by the stress of owning and managing businesses. They talk about the lessons they have learned over their careers as entrepreneurs and how they have learned to reframe specific events in their business in a more productive way so they can stay alive, live and be happy. 

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Shiny Object Syndrome: The Entrepreneurial Equivalent of Chasing Squirrels

Chances are, if you’ve got an entrepreneurial spirit and a creative mind- you’ve experienced “Shiny Object Syndrome” (SOS) at some point in your career. This phenomenon isn’t a diagnosable condition, but rather a business term used to define a tendency to be easily distracted by new ideas. The “shiny object” catches your eye and can take your focus away from the task at hand- like a curious child might hop around between shiny new toys at a dizzying speed. Or, how dogs can be easily distracted by one of those pesky squirrels.

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When To Hire an EOS Implementer


There are moments in every entrepreneur’s life when the business is not making the money it should, when things feel stagnant or the team doesn’t seem to be operating at optimal levels. Is this a time to get an EOS Implementer®? In this episode of Bootstrappers we speak with EOS Worldwide CEO and Visionary Mark O’Donnell about when an EOS Implementer® can help you get back on track with your business.

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How to Successfully Develop Your Remote Team

We hear it all the time. “But isn’t it hard to manage remote employees? How can you make sure they’re actually doing their jobs?”

The truth is: managing remote employees is no harder than managing domestic ones. If you're able to manage employees effectively in the office you should have no problem managing people virtually. not good at managing remote professionals, you probably also have difficulties managing your resident employees. Because management - in any capacity - is the same at its core.

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