The Bridge Between Your Business and Success


How to Make Good Business Decisions, with Jordan Muela


Are you asking the right questions before you embark on a new business opportunity? In this episode we explore the questions successful entrepreneurs ask themselves before they bet on a business opportunity, join a business partnership or decide to exit a business. We discuss how to evaluate opportunities, What qualities to look for in your business partnerships and the importance of discussing the end of the business relationship before you begin the venture. 

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Lessons From Failure


Failure is painful and we all try to elude it, but it is unavoidable if we get out of our comfort zones. How do we manage it in our lives? In this episode, Gwenn talks for the first time on the show about her failed state legislature campaign, losing $124,000 of her friend’s and family’s money and losing herself in the process. She discusses how she recovered emotionally from it and three tips she has for overcoming any devastating blows in our lives. We also bring in the perspective of Nicole Winkler who is a life and professional coach about how to recover, reframe and move on from setbacks.

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The ABCs of Onboarding Remote Employees

It’s not every day that you onboard a new employee, but it’s crucial that you do it right AND right away. I asked Andrea Kelley, client manager of Anequim’s Rent Manager Call Center, to share her checklist for this important task. She boils it down to three absolute must-dos…set expectations, discuss your communication methods and styles, and establish goal-based training.

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Avoid These Top 5 Mistakes When Setting Goals

A goal without a plan for achieving it is like a New Year’s Day declaration to lose weight. Unless you pick a realistic number of pounds to lose by a certain date, schedule a series of weigh-ins along the way, and prioritize changes to your diet and exercise regime, your pants size is going to stay the same. Learn how to turn 5 common goal setting “don’ts” into “dos” that benefit your bottom line and make growth a reality.

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How to Set Meaningful Goals in Business and Life


Goal setting is easier said than done and when we do it wrong the culture of our team suffers and our businesses flounder. In this episode Jeremy and Gwenn review goal setting throughout their entrepreneurship journey and what worked and what didn’t. They give practical advice from the trenches with real world examples that you do not have to spend $30,000 for a consultant, business coach or EOS implementer to get. It’s all next on Bootstrappers!

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Branding Your Business


The problem with marketing is it is expensive, complicated and there are tons of people who want to sell you services, but it is hard to know where to spend those hard-earned dollars. In this episode, we talk about the steps to take to really understand your buyer’s journey and use that information to design your marketing so it truly drives revenue. 

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